Sunday, January 23, 2011

An Interview with Ty Stover - Artist manager / Event production

Ty Stover (Left) Nikos Kozobolis (Right) of Exact Entertainment Group

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Exact Entertainment’s very own Ty Stover. Ty represents multiple artists in the music industry, and also handles event production. We had a chance to sit down and speak about his negotiation skills and Ty Stover offers advice from his experience in deal making.

The interview begins:

How long have you been in management?

Ty Stover: I have a history in event management, parties, concerts, etc. and have been managing artists exclusively for Exact Entertainment Group just over a year now.
How would you say your status plays a part in negotiation?

Ty Stover: If people respect your status and who you are in a negotiation process you are assured to get a superior outcome for yourself.  Always carry yourself professionally and that will support your result as well. 

When deal making, have you ever had to deal with negative emotions? And if so, what is one way you have dealt with negative emotions?

Ty Stover: Negative emotions can arise in any negotiation process.  My answer is at that point to not try to become friends with whomever, but make the process as simple as possible.  Sometimes personality has nothing to do with getting a deal done, but more about statistics.  I am providing X and Y, and in turn we would like Z.  Keep it plain and simple.

Do you have any advice for negotiators on reaching mutual benefit?

Ty Stover: Always put yourself in their shoes before you step into any negotiation process.  Think about the questions the other party would have for you and have answers readily available.  Do your homework on the person or business ahead of time and do not expect something you would not deal for yourself.

Lastly, how do you deal with negotiators trying to pull dirty tricks?

Ty Stover: Follow the golden rule of business and if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.  People who use dirty tricks will get weeded out soon enough.  That is just nature of the business.  I’ve always said that if you do something right you might have somebody tell one friend, but if you do somebody dirty they are likely to tell everybody they know.  Word spreads like wildfire, especially in businesses that revolve around networking. 

Thank you for your time and excellent advice!

Ty Stover: Thank you for having me!

Through this interview you can get a better understanding of what it is like negotiating in this industry and what you can do to better yourself as a negotiator. Great advice from a rising star in artist management and event production.