Friday, October 1, 2010

Teams: The most essential tool for your project

A well-put together team can make or break your company. That goes for the entertainment industry as well as any other industry. Teams are essential for the necessary completion of whole projects within a company. No one single person can break down each task required to complete the project and successfully accomplish the tasks on his or her own. “Working in a team has an advantage of the workload getting distributed amongst all the team members. With work properly distributed, you can concentrate on a single activity till the time you gain expertise in it and you do not feel stressed out due to work.” D. Ujwal (2009). Special skills may be essential to the project that would require professionals of certain fields. For example, if you are producing an artists’ album then you as the producer rely on the recording engineer, assistant engineer, mixing engineer, mastering engineer, and the artist themselves to each put their own unique skills into the project. With one piece of the team missing, the project can fall behind schedule and may even fail. Every individual within the team has a certain skill or asset of which they bring to the table. With each person’s individual skills and combined work, the project has a much greater chance of being a successful one.

Personally putting together my own team I would search for the best candidates possible. Persons with a great amount of experience, a good attitude, excellent work ethic, and hardcore passion for the specific project at hand would be the most eligible for me. Having a team with that passion for the project is essential. The team should feel like they are not working but doing something they love to do. With an excellent team that consists of hard working, passionate, experienced individuals, your project’s chances of success will be greatly enhanced.

Communication within your team is essential for any hope of getting the project or task completed. Modern technology has enhanced the way we can communicate with individuals in our team. Instead of just face-to-face communications, we instead have the office phone, cell phone, email, instant messaging, etc. Utilizing every method of communication available is key to great communication within a team. If you keep up with the times and technologies, you can keep up to with your bosses standards and desires for the project at hand.

Teamwork in the Workplace,, Ujwal Deshmukh, 2009. Retrieved from

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