Sunday, November 21, 2010


Endless rows of booths filled with studio electronics, innovative musical instruments, impressive studio monitors and control room mixers. Flashing lights, automated faders, and incredible audio quality surround you.This can only mean one thing, you my friend are currently in the middle of the annual NAMM - or National Association of Music Merchants trade show! (HOW EXCITING!?!)
This special event happens once a year and unifies merchants, musicians, engineers, and technology junkies under one roof. “Our association—and our trade shows—serve as a hub for people wanting to seek out the newest innovations in musical products, recording technology, sound and lighting—everything you need to enhance and grow your business, presentation or event!” NAMM (2010). Events like this are essential in my industry. Without an event like the NAMM trade show, thousands, maybe even millions of people would be deprived of checking out new and innovative ideas that directly relate to their field of work. Engineers can stay ahead of the game with new studio technology, musicians can stand out with innovative instruments, and even lighting techs can shine above the rest with creative and unique lighting gear. The trade show effectively creates suspense and really lets all the manufacturers show what they got coming up around the corner. People will anxiously await on that new mixer, that new analog to digital converter, or even that insane new touch screen, customizable, modular synthesizer with a nice glowing, “Red Audio” on it. ;)
Personally when my own company, Red Audio, gets off the ground and has its first prototype, we are going straight to the NAMM trade show and our booth will be one of the most talked about booths there. Think about the amount of people that never even heard of something like my product, and then suddenly laying their eyes on something that is so enticing that it hypnotizes you and draws you straight over to us. After closer inspection, what’s that you say? CUSTOMIZABLE TOO?! Sold. Before we even begin mass production of our product. Pre-orders will be available just like in the video game industry. Being able to do this will effectively help build my brand name in the minds of the consumers. As they see the product being used in a live demonstration before their very own eager eyes and even get a chance to use it themselves, trust will be built in their minds about our company and our innovation.
Long live the NAMM show!
NAMM (2010) About NAMM.
Retrieved on Sunday, November 21st, 2010 from:

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