Sunday, December 12, 2010

Musical marvels and technologic advances = SWEET LIGHT SHOW / SYNTHESIZER

Imagine stepping onto a podium and looking out into a dark room filled with orbs of all sizes. As you move your arms, you notice that that orbs are changing color and you are producing sound through a state of the art synthesizer. You are actually controlling the room with your very own body. Sounds science fiction? Believe it or not, this advanced synthesizer / light show is very much around today and fully functional.

DJ Lux (or DJ Light) is the name of the project. “DJ Lux (DJ Light) is an immersive public sound and light installation that gives visitors the power to orchestrate a performance of light and sound across a large public space.” Synthtopia, 2010. This incredible installation features a thermal camera, which senses body movement and sends control signals to the software application that is controlling the entire light show and synthesizer. Pretty amazing and unique stuff if you ask me.

Being able to come up with new technologies and ideas for musical instruments is essential towards grabbing and enhancing a musician’s creativity. By doing so you will gain a big following of loyal fans and customers. By bringing out the best in others, you bring out the best in yourself. It is all about letting people take complete control, let them customize what they want to do, and making them feel like a true artist. “It is an empowering experience where the public is invited to be the artist.” Synthtopia, 2010.


Synthtopia, Dec 10, 2010. DJ Lux (Gorgeous Interactive Audio + Visual Installation),
Retrieved on  Sunday, December 12, 2010, from:

1 comment:

  1. This is very interesting! Working in show production with lighting and DJ systems was one of my first jobs in the entertainment industry, and I can tell you that the difference between an OK performance and an extraordinary, crowd pleasing performance is all in the lighting. An artist that is able to put on an exciting set of visuals and light shows will be able to captivate the crowd. An artist that is known for putting on good shows can only help their popularity.

    As someone who's worked with LightJockey before, I can tell you that this is amazing technology.
